
A Proven Record Fighting For Us!

Stopping Property Tax Increases
The cost of owning a home is skyrocketing, and people are feeling the pinch.
Mike Kemmling stood with 72% of Shawnee residents in opposing the property
tax increase to fund a $38 million community center on the western edge of the
city. Mike will continue to oppose any efforts to raise the mill levy and supports
efforts to lower the tax burden on families and seniors.

Holding Developers Accountable
Mike Kemmling has fought to hold developers accountable, and this year the
City Council followed his leadership and rejected incentives for a project that
had languished for years. Mike will continue to advocate for reining in the use
of incentives, particularly those that impose a tax burden on residents.

Demanding Fiscal Responsibility

Mike Kemmling has consistently fought for fiscally responsibility and for
devoting city resources to public safety and infrastructure. Mike strongly
opposed the decision to grant the City Manager a massive 25% pay raise
during the middle of the pandemic when Shawnee residents were losing their
jobs. Mike will continue to champion wise stewardship of your tax dollars.

Support Our Police & Fire Departments
As our city grows, it is important our streets remain safe and our properties
secure. Mike has always and will continue to support fully funding our police
and fire departments.

Preserving Our Neighborhoods
When developers have come demanding high-rise apartments and radical
rezoning proposals, Mike Kemmling listened to homeowners and worked to
preserve the character of our neighborhoods. Mike believes the City Council
should always listen to residents.

Supporting Small Business
Mike Kemmling believes small businesses are the bedrock of our local economy.
He supported matching federal relief COVID-19 funds to help those impacted by
the pandemic and has consistently championed a level playing field that lifts up
all small businesses rather than the city playing favorites.